You can also use it on yourself to see how performant your avatar is. Me and my friend Alejandro Peño joined the studio as interns and were tasked with a project where we had to prepare, optimise and upload over 100 characters to VRChat for the Oculus Quest.
Stella the Fem Base V1 AzulieZeiro 11 0 VRChat Buddhaman mamomamo34 13 1 VRChat Frieza iroiro9i 35 2 VRChat Pyramid head iroiro9i 17 2 VRChat Venom iroiro9i 43 3 VRChat Jabba the Hutt iroiro9i 16 1 Suu for Chillout VR AzulieZeiro 7 2 Godzilla-Chan pandachu772 12 0 Ookami-chan the Wolf Girl Avatar asdfg21 167 3 Lilly With growing usage of social virtual worlds and spaces like VRChat and Mozilla Hubs, you might be looking for a way to make your own avatar to represent yourself in VR.Bigger Prizes! This Vrchat Avatar Worlds : VRChat Adventures Ep.